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Manifesting the Future

Daily Scripture

During Easter, we are using short videos to share a daily idea (linked to the sermon for Sunday) on a reflection helping us wade deeper into the worship idea. Watch today's video:


The video is a longer drawing out of the reflection below. You can watch one and read the other or choose one.


Psalm 118 Give thanks to the Lord because he is good,

because his faithful love lasts forever.

2 Let Israel say it:

“God’s faithful love lasts forever!”

14 The Lord was my strength and protection; he was my saving help! 15 The sounds of joyful songs and deliverance are heard in the tents of the righteous: “The Lord’s strong hand is victorious! 16 The Lord’s strong hand is ready to strike! The Lord’s strong hand is victorious!”

17 I won’t die—no, I will live and declare what the Lord has done. 18 Yes, the Lord definitely disciplined me, but he didn’t hand me over to death.

19 Open the gates of righteousness for me so I can come in and give thanks to the Lord! 20 This is the Lord’s gate; those who are righteous enter through it.

21 I thank you because you answered me, because you were my saving help. 22 The stone rejected by the builders is now the main foundation stone! 23 This has happened because of the Lord; it is astounding in our sight! 24 This is the day the Lord acted; we will rejoice and celebrate in it!

reflection Questions:

God’s assurance of care and concern for you, individually you, is timeless and not dependent on your earning or deserving it. In this Psalm, God sees possibility even for the stones rejected by the builders. Our ability to recognize God’s saving action is essential to understanding our position and role in creation. God will act. We simply need to be present in the day to see God’s promise at work.

  • How does dependence on God actually make faith more difficult?

  • Make a list of things you can praise God for in this day. How does this list help you to be aware of how God is present?


Lord Jesus, I want to trust you even when life gets hard. Give me the strength and patience I need to deal with life’s struggles, the ones I am facing now and any others in the future. Amen.

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