Who We Are
What We Believe
Our Presbyterian beliefs trace their roots to the Protestant Reformation of 16th century Germany. The Reformation spread to the British Isles — and later colonial North America — through the writings of John Calvin and John Knox.
The word “Presbyterian” refers to a form of church government that allows church members to share in leadership rather than placing all authority in priests, pastors, and bishops.
We are a family of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, seeking to understand and follow His teachings through worship Bible Studies, and community service. We bring our diverse social, political and theological perspectives to be woven together in community. We welcome all to join us in our journey of faith, trusting God to change us, our community and our world.
At Concord, we Show up, wherever you are, with God's love. In practice, this means we offer: Engaging Worship for all ages ,Youth and Children's Programs which teach young people about God and how to put love into action, Adult Education through Sunday school, Small Groups, Book Studies, and special events. We strive to extend the love of God to all people, whoever they are in life, through community service and support groups.