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OUt of the Shadows (YouTube Thumbnail).png

This Harvest Season we travel through Old Testament stories of promises and deceit, love and hate, wisdom and poor judgment, and many more!


God speaks to us through famous characters in these stories as well as through those who appear Out of the Shadows. Come with us as we travel through 11 weeks and glean glimpses of ourselves, our lives, our callings, and our contributions to the continually evolving stories of God’s People.

Links Go live on the Date listed

Sept 11

Flood and Promise

Elizabeth Troyer

Sept 19

Sacred Stages

Elizabeth Troyer

Sept 25

Keep Calm and Carry On

Elizabeth Troyer

October 2

A Toe in the Water

Elizabeth Troyer

October 9

Starters for Ten

Rainey Ratchford

October 16

Celebrations and Confessions

Elizabeth Troyer

October 23

Man in the Mirror

Elizabeth Troyer

October 30

Wisdom's Child

Elizabeth Troyer

November 6

Wash & Go

Elizabeth Troyer

November 13

Vision and Reality

Elizabeth Troyer

November 20

Rumor Has It

Elizabeth Troyer

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